Goals or Gol Rotis ?

 I was asked a question the other day and it was to write about women and how they can achieve their goals and not just make gol rotis

Honestly, as simple the answer sounds, it's not.

If and when you choose to be an independent and career oriented women you have to accept that you can never really be the kind of women who makes gold rotis and delicious food all the time for their family, you have to accept you will be juggling ALL THE TIME, you would have to accept that sometimes you cannot be the bestest wife or a mother or an employee, you have to accept that you cannot have the best of the both worlds.

And if you choose to be a homemaker, you would have to give up your financial independence, your goals, your dreams and what not.

Well at least that's what the generation before us was told, that you either work full time or you are a full time homemaker, you cannot have both all together.

And women with full time jobs would argue with me that they are doing it, they are running a household all while having a full time job, but what they won't yell you is that they are always just a step away from quitting everything, from giving up everything, how they are exhausted all the time, and I am saying this because I have experienced it.

So the question is goals or gol rotis?

But should we not be past that stage?

Why are we still letting others choose everything for ourselves, why are we giving up because we don't have the favorable conditions according to our own situations.

What's stopping us from creating a favorable situation for ourselves where we can achieve our goals as well as make gol rotis (if you want to).

We are living in 2024 and it's about time we realize and understand the stamina and skills we have and how we can utilize them for our own good according to our own terms and conditions, and that’s my answer to goals or gol rotis, I say why choose, when we can do both and more.


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