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Dream Job

 Honestly it's hard for me to think that people have a dream job, yes there can be things they enjoy doing more among others, but in my opinion, a dream job is a myth. I get people feel stuck in their jobs sometimes, so have I. I was at a point I despised my job but looking back that was the job where I learnt a few of the biggest lessons and grew as a person. Was that my dream job ? No. Was I good at it? Absolutely yes. A lot of people have unrealistic parameters of a “dream job” as well nowadays. Because I have seen people doing internships and getting annoyed over repetitive tasks like bruh what ? It all comes down to one thing I said in my previous blog as well, when life gives you lemons, you make lemonade rather than thinking what to do with them in the first place. My third year into my very first job a colleague of mine who I respect a lot told me, Salwa you are a sponge, and you need to absorb al, the knowledge you can get.  And that’s the attitude I would like to have and

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