Thick skinned

 As a woman you will come across many people who will have an issue with you no matter what you do.

Because as women we are always subjected to other people's opinions and all of those people expect us to behave a certain way, be their way

Obviously, it's not always possible no matter how hard you try, even if you don't want to oppose them which is unlikely, sometimes you just can't not oppose.

And honestly even if you don’t oppose, even if you do exactly what “people” say you should do, they can never be happy, there will always be SOMETHING.

In this condition, if women are not thick skinned, or if they are people pleaser in a way, then that's equivalent to being a dumbass.

Learn to be okay with people not being okay with you, you cannot make everyone happy, period.

People are gonna have issues with you no matter what.

No matter how good of a person you are, people will always point out something, learn to be okay when they do, because after all you are a human being.


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