Difference between a Coach & Motivational speaker

 One might ask, why do we need to hire a coach? We could just watch a motivational speaker for free on youtube, or maybe even attend a session which might cost way less.

My answer to that is sure you can if you like one sided convos.

Don’t get me wrong, I love motivational speakers and their sessions definitely hit the spot and many even manage to do their job but the biggest drawback of it is it’s one-sided.

Watching videos on youtube will not help you answer your questions and clear out your confusions and even if you do attend a session it’s for a limited time period.

A coach is there to invest their time and energy for you, in helping you achieve your goals, and if at some point a coach think and feels like you need motivation to progress further, he/she will recommend you to consult one or recommend one, but don’t be a fool to mix up the need of a coach and a motivational speaker. 

don't be a fool, don't be fooled


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