I consulted a psychologist.

 2024 has been a bumpy ride so far apart from physical health restraints that I have been facing for 4-5 months. It has been extremely challenging mentally as well, and that's when I discovered that I suffer from extreme anxiety disorder.

I was WFH in an extremely toxic organization and my experience over there is a whole different story for another time but the time I was working there was the time my anxiety has been the worst it has ever been. 

Apart from having short termed anxious episodes, this was the first time when I was in a constant state of restlessness to a point that I couldn't sleep. 

And that's when I decided to consult a professional, for many it might not be a big thing but considering the society that you and I live in, it was an accomplishment for me being able to ask for help when I need it.

Thankfully I'm no longer working there so I'm a lot better but random anxious spells are still there. What was my experience like with a psychologist for the first time ? Well that's a story for another time.

But the reason behind writing this was even the most organized people who are in tuned with their emotions most of the time can feel stuck and helpless and even the one providing the help may need help sometimes, so don't beat yourself over the bush, and ASK FOR HELP WHEN YOU NEED


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