I quit

 I was a full time working woman for a while but it got really hectic after I got married, you know when you get married your priorities completely change and so does your personality, you are no longer an independent, do it all by herself kinda girl anymore.

It wasn't like the thought of quitting never crossed my mind, infact going back to work after marriage was one of the hardest thing to do (I legit cried 🥲), but I guess I was too scared to do it, considering peer pressure.

But when I did end up quitting, among other factors, one of the biggest factors was being unable to take care of my loved ones, due to being stuck at work. 

Huzz B End is the kind of person who has literally on occasion, came back from work (mind you his office is an hour drive away from our home) when I was sick, so it's only natural that I do the same thing, but the frustrating thing was I was at work.

Ryan gosling

That day I realized women have too many responsibilities to be someone's employee, they need to learn how to be their own boss.

That's why I'm helping others, specially women find their true selves, so that they don't have to take anybody's 💩


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