Motivation is a spectrum

 Have you ever experienced that you are highly motivated and pumped to do something but then not so excited and willing to actually do it ? Have you ever thought about why you are so motivated sometimes and then not so motivated the other times.

That's because motivation is a spectrum

Now what the hell is that supposed to mean ?

The motivation spectrum is a concept that recognizes that motivation can exist on a continuum between purely intrinsic and purely extrinsic. Many activities or goals may have both intrinsic and extrinsic factors that motivate a person to pursue them 


Intrinsic motivation is usually based on your values, hobbies, likings, disliking and stuff like that

Extrinsic motivation is however based on purely external factors i.e rewards, recognition and punishment.

What I have experienced is a clash between the two factors ends up in losing motivation.

In my case I was determined to earn money and stay independent (external factor) but my ideology (internal factor) was to take care of my family, which ended up in me quitting after all.

My internal factor wasn't about earning money, it was to take care of my family and utilize my true potential and passion for my own benefit which is what I'm doing now.

So in the end, in my opinion, if you want to stay motivated, align your intrinsic and extrinsic factors and you will be good, it doesn't mean you will always be motivated and successful, but it means achieving your goals will get a little easier.


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