Dopamine addict

 Today's generation myself included, we have a constant need to be entertained, to be stimulated.

Our brain is always in need to try the new thing, think about how many times you felt dissatisfied and wanted to do something new something fun, we as humans has evolved and no longer the old traditional things are stimulants for us anymore

Think about a kid who gets bored easily playing with a toy, think about how you get bored watching a slow show, when you get fed up eating the same old thing.

Somewhere along the way we have gotten addicted to dopamine, we want to challenge ourselves, which is not a bad thing but when we do the next best thing or new thing, and if we don't get desired results, we give up. That's why it's important to decide for your career based on what you are good at and not what seems like a good stimulant.

But the main concern is, how far we are willing to go to satisfy our cravings of success, being entertained and being in constant hustle.


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