Not getting in your Dream college

 Imagine that you are done with your higher education, you have got amazing grades and you are 99% sure that getting into your dream college is going to be easy peasy lemon squeezy, but the results came and as it turns out it wasn't that easy.

Not getting into your dream college is probably equal to a heartbreak for a lot of students, and most of the students end up thinking that their life = ruined, which honestly feeling like that is absolutely predictable.

You are told your whole life that getting good grades and getting into a good college means your life is set, and that there's nothing else to be done if you don't get into a good college. You are guaranteed as a child to believe in a lie that you won't be facing any difficulties or hurdles and that getting good grades and getting into a good college basically means life long success.

When in reality it's not true, life is not all bed of roses and it is definitely not always fair, even if you have got good grades doesn't mean you will definitely get into a good college, and even if you do get into a good college it doesn't ensure a smooth and worry free path forward.

My advice to students is to have an open mind and to have multiple plans as well, and to be prepared for the worst case scenario, because when life gives you lemons, you make lemonade and not think about what to do with those lemons in the first place


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