Finding the courage

 A lot of people wonder and even appreciate that I was able to pull myself back from toxic workplaces and said no to being treated like shit.

Swoon ,netflix, its okay to not be okay, kim soo hyun

One of the hardest days at work I remember was when I got back to work after my marriage, I cried at office washroom, but it really took a lot to just come to office, but that was situational, I was not giving up on something, but when I couldn't go to take care of my sick husband, I felt truly helpless, and I didn't want the kind of job where I couldn't even take care of my family.

Well that was one of the reasons to quit, but the biggest one being the toxic environment.

Quitting from an organization takes guts for anyone. In the back of my head, I have always wanted to quit and be independent from working for someone, but I never had the courage. However, the situation that I was put in didn't just make me quit but it made me value myself more. It made me realize what I am capable to do, and made me understand and then act on the fact that I don't deserve to be treated like that

It reminded me that I was capable enough to be on my own, it challenged me to explore myself more and find what I was worth. No matter what situations I was put in, today I'm at a place where I'm thankful for these situations, and that was exactly I learnt from my toxic jobs.


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