Getting past your fears

 If there's something that you think you have been procrastinating and you just can't seem to put a finger on it, it might be your hidden fear that resides rent less in your subconscious mind. 

But don't you worry, it's more common than you think and the people who you think are fearless and basically can do anything ? 

Yeah well they face the same thing but they make a conscious effort to get over their fear and now it's your turn.

  1. Start writing about your fears. Don't be in denial, even if you are scared about a spider, write it down, that way it's actually now out in the open and you can do something to treat it.

  2. Start imagining the scenario in your head, that way you can control your panic that comes over when you are at a point of facing your fears.

  3. Plan the worst case scenario. If you hate spiders, think about what if the spider lands on you, that way you can have an instinct reaction ready, that can actually benefit you rather than just making you more panicked.

  4. Start little. You hate spiders? Yah, so do I. Start making them your friends, you don't have to be beasties, you don’t have to pet them but just Start accepting the fact that they are there and I’m here, they can't do anything to me, and that I’m safe and in control of my emotions. 

Well it's definitely easier said than done but do give it a try 


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