Hate speech and negative comments

 Recently on LinkedIn one of posts got viral and like all viral posts on linkedin it was stolen and copy pasted without any credits, and when I called out a girl for that, people started coming at me for disrespecting her and one of them even accused me, that I stole the post, when in reality it was originally my post.

Now if it was old Salwa, she would have defended herself, she would have said how it was originally her post, but the new me just gave a funny reaction to that guy's comment.

I used to get triggered for any bad thing people have to say about me, because I was a people pleaser, I would go to lengths to defend myself and show how I'm not the person they think I am.

But now when that guy commented and accused me of stealing a post, I did nothing and I actually just laughed. I instantly noticed this thing about me and how I have grown as a person.

I didn't do anything specific but I also just didn't let myself be. I have grown as a person, and by that I mean my self confidence is better. I am not perfect but I am learning and trying to be just 1% better everyday.

I understand that a lot of people passing these hateful comments are those who have a lot of hate about themselves, I used to take negative comments as a learning experience as well, but what I ended up learning is that not everyone is trying to teach you something positive, sometimes they are just teaching you how to not give a f*** to each and every thing.

Chandler bing, friends, sarcasm


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