Incorrect answer

 You know life changes you as a person, your experiences changes you as a person, and your friendships change with time as well, as you grow older you start valuing your friends, your real friends more and more, who care about actual growth and doesn't obsess over the fact that, you went out without me.

I have been blessed with the best kind of friends. It's a well known fact that a lot of people around me or people who know me, know that I love and value my friends a lot.

Few days back, I was having a conversation with my girlie, one is a mother, one is working full time, one is studying further, I am proud of each and everyone of them, but while having a conversation with them I realized that we all have been deprived of the basic knowledge to choose better for ourselves.

Almost all of us had blindly followed a field, chosen a path, not because we loved it but because we didn't know anything better.

Yes, some people are fortunate enough to still start over from scratch, but not everyone, think of the wastage of resources, time and energy that goes on pursuing a path. And that’s not just the case with us, I’m sure it's the case with a lot of others as well.

That's why there's a need of career counseling, because it's not just about choosing the right career path, but it's about choosing the wrong one.


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