Not your typical career coach

 The perspective that people have regarding a career counselor is horrific. I have had someone on Instagram (who is a content creator and an influencer BTW) think that I was tuition Wali Baji.

Never have I ever, netflix show

On the other hand, people think that career counseling is just about giving awareness about different fields to students, when in reality it is so much more than that.

It's basic life training and counseling that every kid should get from their primary education, it's not just about choosing from different fields.

Career counseling is about effectively training young minds to indulge in different activities and explore their own self more not to land a high paying successful job in the future but a satisfying one in which not only they will be able to thrive but they get to be the best version of themselves.

I understand that career counseling session in bulk focuses more on educating the students about different fields and it is definitely one aspect of career counseling as well but in my opinion if and when I'm counseling students I would rather have them speak from their experience rather than put words in their mouths


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