Toxic jobs and imposter syndrome

 I suffered from imposter syndrome because of my toxic job and toxic boss.

Toxic organizations and managers are something that a lot of people suffer from, more than you can ever imagine. If not every second, every third person is definitely suffering from a nosy and toxic organization that just makes them feel like they cannot and won't be able to achieve anything.

Among a lot of other mental health issues that occur due to toxic environments like depression, anxiety, panic attacks, imposter syndrome is one of them. It is a condition of self doubt about one's intellect, skills and accomplishments among other high achieving individuals.

Because of the constant debacle, insult and inability to achieve anything in a toxic environment, a person is made to feel that they are unable to achieve anything at all. 

When I resigned from my toxic job and started working as a coach, my everyday struggle was believing in myself that I can do anything by myself and for myself. Showing up on platforms, especially LinkedIn was a huge trigger for me because it used to make me feel that everyone is doing better than me.

I don't suffer from it now but I still go through minor episodes of it.

But what made me set free myself from this? Showing up, doing exactly what feared me in the first place.


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