Working in a male dominant culture

 My first job that I ever had, I was the only female employee in the whole team, and I obviously was sitting with them as well. Working in that culture in the beginning was way too uncomfortable but with time I started enjoying it as I truly believed that was the best team I was blessed with despite the fact that I was manipulated into believing that the team was toxic.

But working in a male dominant culture came with its perks, my direct boss always treated me like a kid, he showed immense respect to me and to an extent the environment of the office was also quite good because of the presence of a female employee.

Working in a male dominant environment also helped me immensely in the way that all of them had way more experience than me and all of them shared a lot of wisdom and strategic moves with me to always stay one step ahead.

Off course but it was not all butterflies, I came across some of the worst and disrespectful male colleagues who had no idea to talk to a women or even to his team members for that matter, but that also taught me a huge lesson, a lesson on how to deal with a**holes.

All in all, for me working in the male dominant culture has been so far the best thing and they have been the best team I had for sure.


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