Women in race

 The two standards that we and by we I mean society has set for women are either, working women neglecting her personal life and prioritizing her career, and number two, women who chose to become a home maker practically throwing her degree in garbage.

There's nothing in between.

Just to be clear, there's nothing wrong with either choice, whether she chooses to work or become a home maker, both are full time jobs and requires full attention.

But why are we as women not trying to come out of these clichés. How long has it been since we thought that working after getting married was difficult but we changed that narrative, then why can we change the narrative of choosing between a working wife and a house wife.

Why can't we be a working wife as well as a house wife without burning ourselves ?

Seems tough, but you know what's tougher ? 

Going back to work after you have just given birth to your baby.

Not being able to take care of your loved ones when you want to.

Proving that you are still you and an asset to your company after you just got back from your maternity leave. 

Always feeling like a threat and at an edge at work.

And all this while you are unable to spend time with your family.

So I’m here to tell you that you can and you should change it while you can.

The new normal isn't being a working wife and a mother at the cost of your mental health.

The new normal is to work on yourself, prioritize family time and maximize your potential all according to YOUR timeline.


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