People Pleasing...

Have you ever experienced a feeling where you are constantly thinking about what you can do that can get you “approved” ?. You keep on thinking what it is that people like, especially on social media, you avoid posting something that can get you canceled or something that is true but an unpopular opinion.

cat, cute cat, shocked, sociotropy

Well that’s a psychological condition called Sociotropy, and no that’s not just you.

People suffering from Socitropy have strong feelings to please others and overall feel accepted and loved by others even if that comes at the cost of hurting their own feelings.

The need of being accepted and approved by others arises from the deep rooted issue of self esteem and self confidence and sometimes even because of neglected childhood trauma.


On one hand being a sociotropic person means you are the kindest, empathetic person of the group while on the other hand it also means you suffer from low self esteem and fear of conflict.

You are always thinking about others but you are also in fear that you don’t do something to offend others, you are always doubting yourself if you are good enough or not.

Possible solutions to Sociotropy can be positive mindfulness and in my opinion the most effective one is consulting your friends, getting a fresh perspective on yourself.

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