I broke a cup

You know one thing that I wish everybody just start understanding more and more is that anger is just another emotion it’s not a bad emotion, it’s not a negative emotion it’s just another emotion, it’s natural to feel anger when someone hurts you, it’s natural to feel anger when things don’t turn out the way you had expected

And just as when you are happy, you show it, you feel good you spread joy around you, it’s okay to show anger as well not necessarily at someone but just recognizing and accepting the fact that you are angry because when you do accept it that you are angry you can actually do something about it as well

I had been angry with a friend and we actually broke up, our vibes didn’t match but that’s not the point. She had gifted me a cup at my birthday, and unlike Geet from Jab we met I didn’t had the courage to call her up and curse at her so I did the next best thing, I intentionally broke the cup she had gifted me and let me tell you it felt sooooo good

I cannot say that there were not some unresolved issues between the two of us but I didn’t wanna get into it but I didn’t need some closure and breaking that damn cup gave me just that.

And that’s what you should do as well, letting your anger out is absolutely necessary but not at someone, even if you are angry at them. Break something, cry out loud, punch a pillow, anything that can be an outlet for your anger because let me tell you if you don’t, your anger will eventually burst out on those who don’t deserve it and it won’t be very pleasant, speaking from experience


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