Ooppss. I did it again

 A beginners guide for the managers, things to do and not to do if you may say so to your team and build an efficient mentor and mentee relationship.

A good team is the pillar of a good organization, and you can't deny that fact, so what can you as a manager do to not only ensure you build a strong team but an even stronger relationship with your team members.

For starters, start considering your employees as real human beings with feelings. It has been normalized to harass your team in the name of jokes and sarcasm. And I get it most of the managers went through the same with their managers but it has got to change at some point so why not from you guys.

Secondly, show a little empathy, respect and acknowledge their feelings please, if someone is coming to you with a workplace related issue or if you have learned that there is an issue at home please talk to them, give them emotional guidance, or just an ear. Their performance is definitely being adversely affected which in the hindsight is affecting your’s and your team's performance.

Ryan reynolds, acknowledged

Last but definitely not the least, please prioritize your’s and your team's physical AND mental well being, this does not mean taking them out for dinners BTW. It means encouraging them to not only invest in their physical health but also in their mental health. Allowing them to take an off if they don't feel like coming to work, letting them WFH if there's more important things in their to do list for the day.

Trust me through building an effective relationship within the team a good team member not only will stay in a toxic organization but will vouch for you as well. Off course it doesn't mean you can keep them forever, but that's the last thing I want to talk here, let them leave for the better when it's their time and be happy for them, that's how they will know that they have had the best experience even in a shitty organization.

Chef Ramsay


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