Underlying Emotions

 Human emotions are an amazing thing. I have talked about it in one of my very early blogs as well, but today I want to give it a bit of a turn.

Emotions are what makes us human, because without it we might just be a robot. But emotions are not as simple as black and white, emotions can be tricky and they can be gray and not just gray but 50 shades of gray.

Hannah montana, miley cyrus

Emotion is that jealousy you feel when your friend is spending more time with their other friends than you, when you feel hurt when somebody doesn't respond to your text.

But underlying emotions are those which most often do not surface, and most of the time you aren't even aware about it. The famous term for it can be “Anger Iceberg”, you see the tip of it above the surface you see the reaction that a certain someone is exhibiting but you are not aware about the action that causes that reaction.

Underlying emotions are usually a result of an experience, a trauma or just something you went through that made you have certain emotions regarding that particular experience.

It's like suffering from imposter syndrome because you were never really appreciated and encouraged as a child.

Why should these underlying emotions be given light and acknowledged ? Because if you won't treat them, you will end up bleeding on those who don’t deserve it.


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